My Software Projects

  • I have worked with Volley library and Retrofit libraries, i understand functional reactive programming with Rx java, I have worked with dependency injection using ButterKnife and Dagger, I have worked with android Room and liveData and understands the basics of TTD using Espresso and Mockito Frameworks. Plus i know some Kotlin(A little bit)

  • Worked with flutter briefly and understand the basics if widgets and how to us them to build android apps

  • Build over 15 kotlin applications using the headfirst guide. These range in complexity from basic of kotlin datatypes to using things like collections, generics, lambdas, higher order functions, running code in parallel and so on. Unfortunately I lost my laptops before I could put all these on github.

  • Currently using my kotlin foundation to work on building apps android apps using the MVVM model and to fully adopt clean architecture.

  • I have experienced with Javascript and Jquery and have build over 20 smalls projects with the technologies so I am familiar with the basics of the DOM

My Android Projects(Without clean Architecture)

1.FS church app 
which aggregates information of several churches in Uganda using Google cloud as a backend.

2. Opening App
This is built using google's firebase console for a back end. You don't have to sign up to view the blog posts. And since i built onto what has already been done, i decided to provide the code for it here too. This includes issues i encountered while trying to achieve it.

2.Crime Preventer Uganda.
Using PHP, volley library(singleton design pattern), MySQL and java, together with recycler views and fragments, i created a way for people to report crimes, lost property, to view lost property and to emergency dail the police. I have written about it extensively in the projects readme.


I published this app in 2014 as part of a local developer contest. The criteria was to create an education category app. I used the video streaming concept, YouTube and the YouTube API from google developer console. The graphical user interface was terrible, but i learnt from it, I didn't improve the MVP any further because the app was not solving a problem enough people cared about having solved.

This app is currently in review because of a missing privacy policy.
4.Cold Turkey

Bad design mostly because of a lack of sensitivity to colour at the time. But i learnt a lot from it. This is the first app i published ever. This was in 2014. I learnt how to use SQLite which was a major feature in this app. This was a personal initiative and my product of teaching my self android programming

This app got 1000 downloads and is pending review because it has privacy policy.

I tried to work on at improvement to it using the latest advances in app development
A notes app done with Dagger, LiveData, android Room and clean Architecture. It will replace an already existing playstore app. Its a diary and i will add notifications so that people are reminded to write about what they would do if they didn't smoke or drink.


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